Paper Craft 3d Models

Paper Craft 3d Models

Other Craft Ideas:

In our main section, the paper models are availabele in Digital Format and can be downloaded.

In this section, the other craft itead (including Paper craft techniques) are discussed.

These models you can make yourself or order through our sale section (in physical format).

You can make various 3d paper craft models with papers. Some models are as strong as any thing.

This is basically a hobby, but if you can get access to a good paper craft shop, you can earn a handsome amount by selling these 3d models. In 3d paper craft models the basic is how to cut the paper and then fold in such a manner that it gives a 3d appearance. Always practice different 3d shapes with rough papers for perfection.
Paper Craft 3d Models

Layering Technique

Made from waste NEWS paper, these models are light Weight and strong.
Paper Craft 3d Models

paper Mache technique

Mode by waste NEWS papers
Paper Models

Quilling Technique

Sofisticated but beautiful
3d Models

made by pressing

Paper Craft

3d card